Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Year 2012

After a long time, all of a sudden, I opened my long forgotten blog page and thought of refreshing it by adding a new blog, the first one in year 2012. Who knows whether we will survive to see the arrival of 2013. :) Though I am not as anxious as I was twelve years back before the start of a new millennium, when I read of Nostradamus, a french astrologer, who in his own verses had predicted that the humans would never see the new millennium. When most of the world was busy in solving Y2K bug, cricket world was surprised by Herschelle Gibbs and Lance Klusener, Europe was keen to convert local currencies in Euros, Harry Potter was getting his shape, Steve jobs was giving birth to smartphones, Windows were getting new identities, my mind was curious to know if we would ever see the new year 2000.

When I realise it's been more then twelve years now, I feel myself getting older. Gone are the days, when had I the excitement of getting promoted to next class that would fetch me new books, specially a new school diary, which used to be my companion for that year. I was luckier than my brother in this case, as I always got new books and he got mine. I remember his frustration on my old books that he anyways would read in next class - classic example of Hobson's choice. :-)

2012 is special for me. I am going to lose my bachelorhood. :) Though I am not excited very much, but I can see how my thought process is changing. I know things will not be the same as before. I don't know how many surprises the new year will give me. Nonetheless, I am waiting to face to it.

It's 1:54 AM morning of 3rd Jan right now. Today the long weekend got over and after few hours I will be in office to work. I know I am little late in penning this and weird to choose the time to publish it. But, it's time not to think such things, but to welcome the new year. :)

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